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Book 2 of the AI Chronicles Trilogy


“THE AI LESBIAN” transpires in a future gay society transformed by an ongoing pandemic that has continued to linger for decades creating evermore deadly mutating seasonal viruses. Living in such a future gay society brutally demonstrates to Effie that if she is ever to live a normal lesbian life, a life that will be completely defined by AI, she must find the inner strength to fight for her gay existence and the gay love of Calla, the only woman prepared to love her in this new world of fear. Effie and Calla must overcome AI obstacles, which now regulates gay contacts, gay interactions, and gay sexual explorations, which have been placed in their paths, by a society created out of fear, in order to love one another.



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ON A DAY TWENTY YEARS EARLIER, an ominous dream and a new term became ingrained into fifteen-year-old Effie’s vocabulary: COVID-19. For the longest time, whenever Effie heard this word, her heart  rate would shoot up and her body would tremble uncontrollably. In her daily ominous dream Effie is a ghost levitating in midair, watching  her fifteen-year-old self from the outside. Her body is rigid as people dressed in astronaut-like suits shake her out of her sleep. Upon awaking everything is pale and bleak. There are no longer wailing ambulance sirens, no longer the pungent smells of disinfectants, there is no longer any color at all. Effie awakens to the world, her face expressionless. Yet Effie knows that the calmness she outwardly displays is  actu ally gut wrenching fear.

After the events of the previous day, during which Effie bore eyewitness to her entire family dying of COVID in their family home, the authorities had transferred Effie to a mobile cabin hospital until they could arrange for the final removal and disposal of her family. This mobile cabin hospital accommodated thousands of COVID infected patients, all of them eating, sleeping, and using the bathroom together, with only the simplest barriers installed to separate their sleeping cots from one another, utterly oblivious to the high concentration of virus permeating the air. Now her family lay stacked one on top of the other in a refrigerated meat trailer in the mobile cabin hospital parking lot.

Two people dressed in astronaut-like suits come to collect her and escort Effie to a large white room filled with empty hospital stretchers. One by one her family members are transferred from the refrigerated meat trailer, into the room and placed on one of the empty stretchers and covered with a white sheet. Once Effie’s entire family lay covered before her, one of the people dressed in astronaut-like suits pulls back each sheet and asks Effie to identify each of her dead family members. After witnessing the dead distorted faces of her entire family, Effie vomits all down the front of her clothes. The dream always ends at this point leaving behind the real-world stench of vomit in her nostrils.

Later in life as an adult, whenever Effie described her nightmares to a string of various therapists, it would be suggested that she should  try crying in her dream: “The first step to letting your scars heal is to let out the emotions you’ve been suppressing.” Other professionals would diagnose her as experiencing trauma-induced panic attacks.  Effie tried. She wanted the girl in her dream to scream, to sob, to dash forward and stop the medical team from lifting the sheets, she so wanted to believe that all her family was not really dead. Yet every time, Effie just stood silently in the middle of the dream room, covered in vomit, unable to move.

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